Members of the ICEC Executive Planning Committee, AACE Membership Committee, and CPEN Board of Directors worked together to create an orientation video describing the conference, how to get the most out of attending the conference, and specific information about this year's conference in Salt Lake City. Learn more by watching the video, and get the most out of your conference experience!
On your conference registration form, you may notice an option to request a Mentor to meet with you at the ICEC. The question asks you to identify your current level (what level of student or post-graduate you are, or that you are an early career professional) as well as what specific issue(s) you'd like to talk with a Mentor about. Conference organizers will match you with a Mentor, put you in touch with one another before the meeting, and let you arrange a time to meet with your Mentor on your own schedule while in Salt Lake City. A "Mentoring Room" will be available throughout the conference for pairs to meet at their convenience. Mentors and Mentees frequently stay in touch long after the conference - this could be an excellent opportunity to being or deepen your professional network!
If you did not sign up for a Mentor when you registered, please contact us to request one now!